Friday, May 30, 2008

Bible Overview Daily Readings

Would you like to get an overview of the whole Bible broken down into daily readings?

Each week on the Riverside website I'll post a new Reading Schedule on the front page with 7 daily readings from the Bible. Beginning June 1st we'll start with Genesis and continue with each book of the Bible in order until we finish Revelation. Our goal is to complete the survey by the start of Advent at the end of November.

Please remember that this is a survey. Our daily readings will only skim the surface of the treasures that are available in each book of the Bible. These readings are intended to give you a taste of the Story of God and His people. Hopefully they will whet your appetite for more. Please feel free to read more than the verses and chapters we've listed.

Be sure to check the Riverside website each week for the new Reading Schedule! While you're there, sign up to receive our Prayer Updates via email.